Breast Augmentation: Reasons, Recovery and Complications

Ambrosia Clinic
3 min readMar 15, 2021

Breast augmentation surgery refers to an increment in the size of breasts. People also call it augmentation mammoplasty. There are several methods to carry out the breast implant surgery. One is cosmetic breast implants, and the other is reconstructive surgery.

Breast augmentation is not only meant for females. It is also applicable to all those people who are getting male-to-female or male-to-nonbinary surgery.

Now coming towards the breast implant material, it generally consists of two types. One is saline, and the other is silicone gel. The saline-filled material has silicone shells containing saline water. The second one has silicone shells with the plastic gel inside.

People usually prefer silicone material over saline ones. The reason is that silicone gives a more natural look due to its filling being more viscous.

Breast Augmentation Reasons

There are some primary reasons being people getting breast augmentation surgery. Some of them are listed below:

● Beautifying your body.

● Reconstruction of breasts.

● To tackle with uneven breast size.

● Increasing the size after pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Time

On average, breast implant recovery takes anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks. The surgery starts with giving anaesthesia and continues with cuts as soon as you are deep into sleep. Then, surgeons shift you to the recovery room, where you are under observation. You might feel sore and dizzy at the start, but you are ready to go back to your home after some time.

The first 3 to 5 days might be a little uncomfortable. You can have some medicines prescribed by the doctor to reduce the pain.

Within one week, you’ll be fine and feel less uncomfortable, and slowly by two months, there is a complete recovery.

Breast Augmentation Complications

Some of the most common complications that people have faced are:

● Asymmetrical breasts

● Numbness in breasts

● Change in nipple’s appearance

● Breasts seem to merge.

● Wrong implant position

● Accumulation of fluids

● Scarring

● Wrinkles on the skin

Other than this, there are several breast implant illnesses. They are:

● Swelling that remains for a more extended period.

● The area of the breast implant gets some fluid collected around it.

● Sometimes, breast implants result in the formation of lumps under the skin.

These complications and illnesses can be treated with surgery and replacing or removing the implants.

How to have a healthy recovery?

● Reduce the pain and swelling and have more support by wearing recovery bras. Do listen to your doctor’s guidance.

● As per your surgeon’s instructions, a bandage or an ointment may be worn or applied. Keep in mind the directions in taking care of the incisions.

● The first week may require you to take medicines to provide relief from pain. Complete the course if you are prescribed to take antibiotics.

● Since you will need rest for recovery, finish your daily chores and housework before surgery.

● Do not wear tight clothing to avoid discomfort. It would be best if you prefer loose and breathable clothes.

● Engaging in taxing activity may hinder the healing process or delay it.

● Have a healthy diet with lots of fruits, veggies, and lean protein to speed up the recovery with nutrition-rich food.


Breast augmentation is an excellent way to enhance your beauty. But, along with that, there are several risks that you are aware of. To prevent yourself from these risks, you should consult with your doctor. Also, it would be best if you kept an eye on the healing area. If you sense something different, you should always consult with your doctor.

People who are searching for the best clinic for breast augmentation can visit Ambrosia Clinic. For more details about Ambrosia, you can visit



Ambrosia Clinic

Ambrosia Clinic is one of the top cosmetic and plastic surgery clinics in Hyderabad, Telangana. it offers various surgical and non surgical treatments